Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New York, New York

This past weekend Caleb and I took a mini vacation to New York City. Our good friend Jen volunteered to watch Hannah for a 24 hour period, so we jumped at the chance. I managed to get us a hotel on 49th street, which is pretty close to Time Square. The room was small, but it was really nice to keep the extra walking to a minimum...especially with my current condition, if you know what I mean. Saturday night we went to see the musical Avenue Q. It was OK. It was an adult spoof on Sesame Street. I don't know if I would recommend it.

Anyhow, the next morning we went to the Intrepid. The Intrepid is an aircraft carrier that was commissioned during WWII, had several kamikaze hits, and also fought in the Korean War and the Vietnam war. It is now the site of a museum with tons of old ship stuff and old planes that were used in battle. As you can tell, this is right up Caleb's alley. Here are some pictures:

Here is a model of the intrepid:

Here I am in front of a plane used in WWII.

Here's the "score card" for the Intrepid. You can see all the planes and ships that it sunk while in battle.

Here I am in front of the bridge.

Here I am navigating ship.

Here's Caleb in front of the blackbird.

Here's a row of planes.

Here I am resting.

Here I am in front of a concord. It flew across the Atlantic in less than 3 hours!

All in all, it was a fun trip. It was great to get away, and it was great to come back.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Glad y'all had a good trip!