Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hannah and Noah

As promised, here are some pictures of Hannah hugging Noah. Hannah is a super hugger, but she doesn't always have the most appreciative recipient. Most of the time Noah is not as enthusiastic about getting a hug as he should be, hence the face below.

Here are Hannah and Noah sharing cheerios. And when I say sharing, I mean Hannah is the cheerio distributor. She makes sure Noah gets as many cheerios as she sees fit. It's a good thing Noah isn't too much older or have too many more opinions about the matter otherwise we would have some issues.

Side Note - pregnancy update: Today is day 13 (that is, 13 days over due). I called the hospital at 8 and they said they would have a room open in a couple of hours. It is 10 now and I still haven't had a surprise. So the waiting continues...

Friday, May 29, 2009

No room in the Inn

So I always sorta felt bad for Mary that when she and Joseph arrived at the Inn there was no room for them, so they had to stay in the stable. But after a fresh look at the story, at least there was a stable to go to and they weren't sent home.

We have had quite the hospital saga. Today we called at 7am and they said they were full and that they would call back at 9. At 12:15 they called and said they had a room. So we got there and they were cleaning our room. But by the time they were done cleaning our room, some one else had taken it. I understand that people in active labor get priority, but it seems like they could have told us that the room had been taken, instead of having us wait around for an hour and then only telling us because we kept asking them about it. They said that another room should open up within the next 2 hours and we could wait around for that. Luckily we decided not to wait around because here we are 3.5 hours later at home waiting for their call. I don't really trust their time estimates. The only thing I can think of is that God has some sort of plan for this labor because otherwise the events of this week would just be too bizarre. So hopefully in a couple of days (or months) we can look back at this whole situation and finally understand what God has been up to. Until then, I guess we wait...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still Waiting...

So we are still waiting for our son to arrive. Apparently he did not receive the eviction notice and thus wants alittle extra time to gather all of his things and leave. What can we do?

We spent all today at the hospital and our son still doesn't want to come out. So we are at home now to get a good nights rest and will see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Princess Hannah

About a week ago, some students gave Hannah some princess gear. Below are some pictures of her glowing in her gear and glowing from all the attention.

Eviction Notice

So today we tried to give our son his eviction notice. He has been squatting for a week and a half too long and it's time for dad to do some of the heavy lifting! Unfortunately, the hospital has given him another day. We called today to be induced but the hospital is packed out, so this means we wait until tomorrow. We are suppose to call tomorrow at 6:30am to see if they have, that's early! We'll see if we make it up that early.

In other news, my parents arrived on Saturday. It's been alot of fun having them in town. On Monday they took Hannah to the park and I had a whole morning to myself. What a blessing!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hannah's new crush

For the past 2 days or so Hannah has been saying, "Noah" nonstop. We haven't figured out whether it's because she likes Noah, she wants her little brother to be named Noah, or if she just likes the way it sounds.

Anyhow, here are some pictures of Hannah and Noah:

One of Hannah's favorite things to do is to hug Noah. A couple times it has knocked him over, so now he's alittle scared of her hugs. So if he sees one coming he'll put his arms out and try to resist...but it doesn't really work. It's really cute, but unfortunately I do not have a picture of it yet. I'll post it when I get one.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

40 weeks

Today I am 40 weeks. All along I've been hoping that this baby would come early, but he hasn't. I guess I've always known that he wouldn't. Why would he come early? Apparently my belly is really comfortable...just ask Hannah. She decided to stay there an extra 14 days.

Anyhow, what I've been trying to focus on for the past two weeks (and what I will continue to try an focus on for hopefully less than two more weeks) is patience. Last Sunday God reminded me in a powerful way that His timing is perfect. As much as I think I know, He knows more...alot more. So I've been trying to focus on that this week (with mild amounts of success). His timing with Hannah was so perfect, that I have to believe that His timing with our son will be just as perfect. So what if our son is alittle young to fly...or so what if he comes in the middle of finals week when everything is alittle crazy around here. I just have to trust that God knows what He's doing (as hard as that is). He is big enough and good enough to cover any and all situations that might come up.

So I guess this means I wait...but I wait in confidence knowing that everything will be OK...that it will be better than OK because God knows infinitely more than I do. I hope that in a couple months I will be writing a post that talks about how glad I am that our son was so many days late because of this and that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A couple years ago Caleb took this really cool panoramic picture that we've been wanting to frame for a long time. Well, we finally did! Here it is:

Do you know where we took it? Ten points if you've been there!

At some point in life I would like to mat and frame my own photos. I think it will be a really fun project/hobby to have. However, I don't envision myself starting this hobby anytime soon. I think it will be more of a "post infant" hobby.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The finished sweater

So I finally finished Hannah's sweater. I sewed all the parts together earlier this week and then on Friday I sewed in all the loose ends. Yay for me!! The only bummer is that Hannah does not want to put it on. I've asked her several times and she always says no. So yesterday I decided since it was mother's day, she would have to put it on. I have never had such resistance putting on clothes. Here is the picture where she looks the least sad. So focus on the really cute hand-made sweater instead of the sad baby face.

I guess Hannah is too young to understand that on Mother's Day you do what mom wants to do simply because it's mother's day. Unfortunately this means she probably won't have this lesson figured out by my birthday either. Maybe next year...

The good news is, is that the sweater is 3T size so she won't be wearing it until next winter. Maybe by then she'll like it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Benesh Day

Saturday we pretty much spent the whole day with our friends Lauren, Nathan and Noah Benesh. In the morning we babysat Noah, who is 16 months. It was a surprisingly pleasant morning...much less work than an average morning because the two wee ones entertained each other. We had a couple of "teaching moments" where Hannah was forced to share, but besides that it was smooth sailing.

Then when Noah's parents returned from brunch, we all went to the Boston Public Gardens and looked at all the pretty flowers and trees...and the little ones ran around chasing birds and ducks. Caleb just got a fancy-dancy lens for our camera and we had alot of fun taking pictures and experimenting. Here are some highlights from the early afternoon.

Here's our best Hug family pictures.

Here's another cute one.

Here's a good Benesh family pictures.

One of Hannah's favorite activities was to sit by the edge of the pond and watch the ducks. Isn't she cute?

Here she is sitting by the Japanese lantern.

Here she just being cute.

Here's Noah being cute.

Here's Hannah and Daddy having fun.

Here we are.

AFter that we all went home and had nap time, and then the Benesh's came back over for dinner and games. It was a really fun day.

So I just realized that I don't really look pregnant in any of these pictures. Here's one to reassure you that I actually am 39 weeks pregnant. :-D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another one bites the dust

This morning I broke another glass. I think that makes the 3rd one in the past 2 months. I know, it's quite a talent. We are now down to 4 glasses. Normally I would go out and buy more glasses, but what's the point...we are moving. So I guess it's not so bad after all. We can still have 2 people over without having to resort to paper cups or wine glasses.

On that note, I have also broken 2 salad plates in the last month. These were not my fault. Each time I put them in the microwave with a potato and they came out cracked. I'm not really sure what happened because our plates are dishwasher and microwave safe. Any ideas? The only thing I can think of is when I put the potato in for the second time, there was still some potato juice on the plate and that caused it to crack...but it doesn't seem like that should be enough. Anyhow, let me know what you think. I hope you have better dish luck than I do. :-D

Friday, May 8, 2009

Spirit of Boston Boat Cruise

Every year our dorm goes on the Spirit of Boston Boat Cruise. It's an end of the year celebration where the students get dressed up and it's always been alot of fun. This was no different. We had a great time seeing the Boston harbor and hanging out with some of our fellow GRT's. Here are some pictures:

Here's Ballard, Jen, Sebastian, and I on the bow of the boat.

Here we are with Boston in the background.

Here's Boston

And Castle Island (which is really a peninsula, not an island)

Here we are at our table

And here's all the GRT's with our Housemasters.

As a funny side note: I was asking my doctor a couple of weeks ago if it was OK for me to go on the boat cruise. The cruise date was exactly 2 weeks before my due date. She basically said that if I feel comfortable going then I should go. She also said, "Well, if it's about 2 hours long it's just like driving to Ikea and back. Besides, if you have the baby on the boat you'll make the news!" Unfortunately we didn't make the news and I am still pregnant. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for my 8 seconds of fame.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our Moving Plan

There it is...our new truck. Caleb's dad just got it from Caleb's grandfather the other day. Caleb's family will drive it across the country for graduation, and then they will head back to the West Coast with all our stuff. In case you haven't guessed yet, this is one of Caleb's ideas. :-D And I think it might actually work...unlike the harness idea.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cute Pictures

For Christmas I got Caleb a nice camera. Since then, we have been taking alot more pictures; partly because the camera is way cooler, and partly because the camera is faster so we can actually get a picture of Hannah while she's doing something cute, instead of the moment after. Anyhow, here are some pictures of what she's been up to lately.

The other day Hannah was having tons of fun having me wrap her up in a blanket. Then she would run out the door. When the blanket fell off, she would run back and have me wrap her up again. Apparently this is tons of fun and should be tried sometime.

Here she is being cute!

Recently, Hannah and I have enjoyed eating watermelon. I cut it into bit size pieces and then we eat it with tooth picks. Sometimes I will feed her, and sometimes she will feed me. Here she is using both tooth picks and thus eating 2 pieces at a time.

Caleb and I have decided that Hannah has a really big you can see below.

As mentioned in a previous post, Hannah loves to go into the refrigerator and gaze. The other day she decided to unload all the condiments on the door shelf. I was feeling tired, so I didn't really mind just sitting on the couch and watching her come out with more stuff. I did have to step in when she started opening up some of the containers. But this event actually inspired me to throw away all those random sauces and salad dressings that we never use anymore, so it all turned out OK.

Here are Hannah and Ug all ready for a stroll. She loves Ug and takes him almost everywhere.

You always have to be careful what you eat in front of Hannah because no matter what it is, she will always want some. Here Caleb and Hannah are enjoying some cereal together.

The other day Hannah found this dress and wanted to put it on. She also wanted to wear the hat even though it is way too small for her.

Here she is sharing her rocking experience with two of her favorite animals.

Hannah is always trying to share her food and drinks with her stuffed animals. Here's bear enjoying some french toast in the hall.

Yet again, Caleb and Hannah eating together.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Da da da dim sum

Yesterday morning we went to dim sum with some friends. It was super tasty, as always. On the way home all the flowers were out so we took some pictures.

Here's Hannah running ahead of us and waving bye-bye.

Here's Hannah carrying Ug. He accidentally touched the ground and got dirty. Hannah was bringing him to me for emergency cleaning.

Here we are in front of one of the trees by our building.

Here I am by the pretty pink bush by the entrance to our building.

Here's Hannah by the same bush.

Here we are resting on by the stairs. At first just Hannah joined me, but she quickly remembered Ug and he joined shortly after.

Later in the day Hannah got alittle treat. There are certain items in the frig that Hannah knows daddy likes; root beer, green juice, chocolate covered espresso beans, to name a few. So whenever Caleb comes home, she'll go to frig and grab one and bring it to Caleb, as if to say, "don't you want some. I will help you eat/drink it." So yesterday when we got home Hannah went into the frig and grabbed Caleb a rootbeer. Here they are drinking rootbeer together.