So I finally finished Hannah's sweater. I sewed all the parts together earlier this week and then on Friday I sewed in all the loose ends. Yay for me!! The only bummer is that Hannah does not want to put it on. I've asked her several times and she always says no. So yesterday I decided since it was mother's day, she would have to put it on. I have never had such resistance putting on clothes. Here is the picture where she looks the least sad. So focus on the really cute hand-made sweater instead of the sad baby face.

I guess Hannah is too young to understand that on Mother's Day you do what mom wants to do simply because it's mother's day. Unfortunately this means she probably won't have this lesson figured out by my birthday either. Maybe next year...
The good news is, is that the sweater is 3T size so she won't be wearing it until next winter. Maybe by then she'll like it.
So cute and so funny! Way to go Kendra! I am so proud of you that you knit a sweater. I always thought you were amazing, but this confirms it for sure! :)
Love it! I am very impressed.
My Caleb refuses to wear overalls. He has the cutest pair and I've tried to convince him how awesome they are with all their pockets & loops. But he cries and throws a tantrum every time I get them out. Doesn't he know that a 2-year-old shouldn't have opinions on what to wear? That a mom should get to dress her young toddler in whatever she feels like dressing him/her in?
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