Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring is Here...I think

Yesterday and today have been gorgeous here in Boston. It's been in the 80's both days, and thus we have been going outside alot. One of Hannah's favorite activities is to blow bubbles. This is great because I can just sit there and watch. The only problem is she wants to blow bubbles ALL THE TIME!! I guess some day her infatuation with bubbles will end.

Anyhow, here are some pictures from this weekend.

On Saturday night it was so warm that Caleb decided we all needed ice cream cones. Here's Hannah enjoying hers.

This afternoon we went for a walk along the river. Here is Hannah by the pretty bush outside of our dorm.

On our walk we paused for a while at a bench while Hannah watched the birds and boats in the river. She also waved at the runners and bikers that passed by. However every time a runner would run by without a shirt on, Hannah would point and repeat, "uh-oh". She is so observant.

Here she is collecting rocks.

Here we are strolling along. Hannah with Ug and a handful of rocks.

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