Friday, April 10, 2009

Legos also ROCK!!

So this morning I was still feeling tired when Hannah got up, so I opted to lay on the couch for a while. After about 5-10 minutes of Hannah trying to lay down with me, or trying to get me up, she realized her cause was hopeless and started playing with some legos. Next thing I know an hour had gone by. Granted it wasn't the best sleep I've ever had - it wasn't super quiet and every once in a while Hannah would bring over some lego sculpture to show me, or she would give me a lego or two to hold - but I'm still so thankful for that extra hour. Praise the Lord, He is good!!

Well, I told Caleb about my successful sleep time, and he reminded me that in Hannah's mind, I probably wasn't sleeping, I was playing. After all, I did wake up with Legos all around me and with some in my hands. :-D

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