Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New word

This word Caleb taught her. It's a pretty random word.

Your responses to my last word cracked me up...especially Lauren's. Jalapeno?...Really? You think Hannah would like a Jalapeno? I am not brave enough to feed her a jalapeno...maybe Caleb, but not me. However, there are parents out there who are daring enough to give their infants/toddlers wasabi chips, so I guess anything is possible. ;-P (Just teasing)


Elizabeth said...

My best guess is that it is the name of an italian opera singer.

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness. I'll have to get Nathan to watch this with me--I have no idea!

Tina said...

Do we get any help here?! Pretty funny regardless, and LOVE the delivery!

Mary Beth said...

I would say "potty training," but that's two words...

Mary Beth said...

Heh. That is indeed Arbitrary.

But what was the word in the video before this one?

Kendra said...

Avacado was the word in the previous Video. I hear that word almost every day