Wednesday, June 2, 2010

17.5 mph

Last Saturday I biked the exact 15 miles that I will be biking for the triathlon. It wasn't so bad. It took about an hour and that was with having to wait for a couple of stoplights. There are 2 not so big hills both of which I ascended without having to go into my lowest gear. At one point during my ride I went past one of those car radars that tell you how fast you are going. And since there were no cars around me, it clocked my speed: 17 mph. However when I pedaled just alittle faster it bumped up to I figure I was probably going about 17.5mph. That's pretty good. Of course who knows how fast I'll be going after having swum...

While I was biking in the drizzling rain, it occurred to me that the weather might not be that great Saturday. I don't know why this never occurred to me before...after all this is's suppose to rain alot here. I guess it's because most of the days that I've trained it's been sunny and beautiful (as you can tell I'm really hard core :-D). The consequence of poor weather is longer transition times. I was planning on just wearing my swimming attire for the whole race, but if it's cold and/or raining, I'll want long sleeves while I'm biking and probably some sort of warmer shirt while I'm running. It would all just be easier if it were sunny and warm. So you can all start praying for great weather on Saturday. Actually sunny and warm at 7am? better start praying now :-D

Wish me luck!


Lauren said...

I'm excited to hear how you do!

Dana said...

Go Kendra!