Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everyday life at the Hugs

Here's a video of Hannah describing her birthday party.

Here's a video of Peter just being Peter.

And here are some random pictures of life.

Hannah and Caleb snuggling.

Hannah and grandma snuggling.

Grandma and Peter. (notice the string Peter is is a balloon. He loves to grab his balloon and then crawl all over the house with it. You will notice that he also has the string/balloon in the video.)

Peter chowing down. He loves to eat at the table.

Testing out new taste sensations.

Here's Hannah vacuuming up daddy's mess. Caleb drilled some holes in the wood so we could make our green house. Well, Hannah saw the wood shaving and decided they needed to be vacuumed up. I tried to tell her that it was outside so it didn't matter, but she didn't care. She loves to vacuum. :-D This is a big improvement from the days when she was afraid of the vacuum.

Peter looking for leftovers.

Hannah loves animals. She always wants to look at pictures of animals and she is always pointing out animals we see (birds, squirrels), or talking about the animals we don't see (the raccoons are napping). I guess she's just an animal person. Here's an ant she found.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Noah is really into picking up ants, too! He loves to say "night night" to them when they go into their "hole."