Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New things

1. Peter has started eating some solid food. So far I have fed him banana and applesauce. And carrying on in great Hug tradition, he is a super eater!

2. Peter has been rolling over all the time these days. This is cool, except for the fact that he can no longer hang out on tables and I have to vacuum more often.

3. Hannah has been talking alot lately. Every time I as her, "can you say _____", she tries to say it...even grapefruit (altho, honestly, it really didn't sound like grapefruit). Some words include: applesauce, apple seed, Aunt Kim (sounds like "Ah Him"), push me, see, help me, hot juice, treats.
funny story: The other day we were driving and all of sudden Hannah exclaims, "Buhda." And I"m thinking, "why is my daughter getting so excited about Budda?" After about 5 minutes I realize she is pointing out blue cars (boo da's). Now every time we are driving she points out blue cars. And today we were at my sister's house and she pointed out a boo ite (blue light).

4. The other day Caleb we trying to help Peter crawl. He would put his hands against Peters feet and then when Peter stretched out his legs he would move. So then, of course, Hannah wanted to try. She put her hands against Peter and said, "push, push." It was pretty cute. (Side note: I think it will be a while before Peter starts to crawl. That is a lot of body mass for one small baby to move.)

5. Hannah is always wanting to be helpful. Every day, sometimes twice a day, we'll have this conversation.
H: "BBP applesauce"
K: "you think BBP wants applesauce?" or "I don't know if baby Pete wants applesauce"
At this point Hannah runs over to Peter and says,
H: gibberish, gibberish, "applesauce?"
Hannah runs back to me
H: "yeah"

She'll sometimes do this with other things too. Where she will ask him if he wants something. It's pretty cute.

6. Hannah can be convinced very easily to say yes. All you have to do is be very excited about what you are asking her to do. "Hannah, do you know what would be really fun? Let's wear overalls today!" To which she will reply, "Yeah!" Or "Hannah do you want to learn how to reboot the router?" "Yeah!" (although she's not very good at doing that by herself yet)

7. Peter has become pretty interactive these days. He laughs when you kiss him on his belly or on his cheeks and he smiles whenever you look at him. He can also follow me with his eyes across the room, or follow a piece of string cheese from your hand to your mouth (repeatedly). He is very good at grabbing things and putting them in his mouth. In general, he's super cute...just like Hannah. :-D


Lauren said...

Ha! What exactly is "hot juice" anyway? Cider?

Also, #6 is super cute.

Kendra said...

Hannah has a play kitchen outside. She was serving me and my sister hot juice and treats the other day. I think it originated from the fact that she likes juice and that she was using the "stove" to heat it up.

Swannee said...

I love hearing about Hannah's speaking skills. So cute! Love how she translates for Peter. :)