Friday, November 28, 2008


Yay Thanksgiving! I love stuffing, mashed potatoes and turkey. Last year Caleb enjoyed our thanksgiving left overs so much we went out and bought a 28lb turkey to make just for the two of us. In retrospect, I would recommend buying a smaller turkey for two people, but we did have left over for quite some time. This year, I think we might just make another apple pie. We should have no problem finishing that in a reasonable amount of time.

Check out the apple pie we made. The picture doesn't do it justice!

So this year for Thanksgiving we went over to Dave & Bonnie's house. Yes, we were at a real house this year! We had a great time catching up with them and hanging out. My favorite dish (of course) is stuffing. I used Dad's special recipe, which includes bacon, and is always really yummy. Caleb's favorite dish was the cranberry sauce. Dave & Bonnie (I'm guessing Bonnie) always make the best homemade cranberry sauce. You can check out Lauren's blog if you want the recipe. (Luckily Dave & Bonnie also brined their turkey so we won't get a kicking from Lauren :-D) After we ate our gigantic meal, we went for a walk to a play ground. Unfortunately it gets dark so stinkin early, we didn't have much time to play. When we got back we ate the tasty apple pie, which was everyone's favorite dessert. The rest of the even was spent chatting and being entertained by Hannah. She was loaded with energy and was very amusing to watch. On a whole, I would say our Thanksgiving was a grand success.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That pie looks amazing. And I am SHOCKED that your turkey was 28 lbs! Oh my gosh!!