Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dim Sum

So this morning we all went to Dim Sum. It was super fun (once we all found parking). We had tons of tasty (and unknown) dishes as well as some of our favorites.

Here's Carey & Bethany enjoying our food.

Hannah was also adventurous and tried some new things. She was surprisingly enjoyable considering we went during her nap time. But as always, she's a champ!

Hey Cheryl, this picture is for you. Yeah, Liz is actually eating her greens. It was one of her favorite dishes at the table. And I swear it's not cheeto's painted green. :-D

After Dim Sum, Liz and Caleb walked the Freedom Trail. Here are acouple highlights from their walk.


Unknown said...

Abracadabra... we vanished! Is this some sort of punishment for not commenting enough? =)

Kendra said...

Caleb suggested that I take that picture off. But if that's all it takes to get people to leave comments, I might be deleting more pictures in the future. :-D