Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Hannah

I never knew eating could be a full contact sport until I watched our beautiful, elegant daughter eat. She goes after every piece of food with vigor and force. And as you can see, by the time she is done, she needs a good wash down.

Currently this is Hannah's favorite toy. She loves rolling the ball around, throwing it and then chasing after it, and of course eating it. Often it will roll away from her, so naturally she'll crawl after it. But when she gets to it, she doesn't quite grab it right, so it rolls away from her and the whole process begins again. What a cutie!

Here Hannah's trying to get Daddy's lunch. It won't be long before she can reach it.

Hannah, taking after her father already. And as you can see, nothing is safe on the coffee table any longer.

So the other day I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden I thought "where's Hannah?" I peek out of the gate and there she is, wedged in between the plant and the wall. Apparently it's a fun place to hang out...who knew. :-D

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