Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Florida Vaction

This year Caleb and I thought it would be fun to take a vacation to some place warmer during January. We convinced Titus & Elizabeth & Family to come with us (not a hard sell since it was snowy and cold in Spokane as well). We had a great time and thus might have to make it a tradition.
So here are some pictures from our co-vacation.

Here we are on the beach. It wasn't super warm, but warm enough to go playing in the ocean and on the sand. And somehow I managed to limit Hannah to only a couple handfuls of sand to eat. :-D

This was the best way to keep Hannah from eating the sand.

Here's a goofy pictures of my nephew, Joe, playing in the sand.

Here's Els and Judah enjoying the beach

This is the sand castle that Titus & Joe built.

Here's Caleb...can you see him?

Maybe this picture will help you recognize him.

This is the special pancake that Caleb made for me one morning.

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1 comment:

Julie said...

what a great way to spend IAP!!! I take the bar next Tuesday; would appreciate prayer! Many thanks!