Friday, September 11, 2009

Me Happy

I realize it's been a while since I've written about Hannah. So here are some cute things she's learned in the past couple of months.

1. Hannah has been talking quite a bit lately...well, not alot alot, but alot for her. Her latest word is happy. So we will be driving in the car and she will say something like, "me happy." To which I will respond, "oh good, I'm glad you are happy." They she'll say something like "BBP happy" (BBP is what she calls Baby Pete). They she will continue, "Mommy happy." "Yes, mommy is happy." She's quite the conversationalist as you can tell.

2. Hannah has learned how to say three. In fact, it is her favorite number and the answer to any numerical question you ask her. "How many cups do you have?" "3" "How old are you?" "3" "How many paci's do you have?" "3" As you can see, she is not always truthful. Although check this picture out.

She's pretty amazing, huh?

3. Hannah has just started to really enjoy the magnetic alphabet letters I got her for our refrig. Yesterday she was playing with N and I said, "N says nnnn, just as in Nanny (what she calls my mom)". So she ran over to me holding the N and said "nanny, nanny, nanny." "Yes, N stands for nanny." Next she brought over the H and said "Hannah." I think this was a fluke, but still worth mentioning because I am a proud parent. :-D

4. Unfortunately Hannah has picked up the art of throwing a fit. It doesn't happen very often, but the other night Caleb and I were heading out to play tennis (without her) and she started crying and clinging on the my leg. She was very upset that we were leaving and that we were not taking her, even though she was staying with Rachel and she loves Rachel. Apparently after we left she stopped crying. She must have decided that that tactic didn't work. Hopefully next time we leave she won't try it again.

5. Over the summer Hannah has gotten pretty brave in the water. At least once a week we go over to hang out with my parents and my mom always takes Hannah swimming. She is at the point now where she will walk into the lake all the way up to her neck! She will also willingly gets her hair wet in both the pool and the lake. Currently we are trying to teach her to blow bubbles. She's pretty good most of the time. I figure by next summer she'll be quite the water bug.

6. She has just recently started taking super long naps. Praise the Lord!! Normally her naps are about 3 hours long and on Tuesday she slept for 4 hours. I actually had to go in and wake her up so she wouldn't sleep past 6 (since I want her to go to bed at 8 or 8:30). This is great news for me because it means that most days there will be at least an hour or so where both kiddos are napping. This means I get to clean...ha, that was a joke. I obviously nap. Praise the Lord.

Well, that's about it for news. I'll write about potty training sometime soon. That deserves a whole post of it's own. :-D

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