Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tortellini Time

Today we had Tortellinis for lunch. It's a fun lunch. Not only did we have a great time singing the Tortellini song* while we were waiting the 3 minutes for it to cook, the kids also had a great time making their food into finger ornaments. Don't worry, they ate every piece of food they touched. Check out the photos.

Peter saw what Hannah was doing and decided it was a good idea. It's amazing the stuff they pick up from each other.

Also today I had the kids try on their new swimsuits. We are (hopefully) headed to Hawaii this winter, so I figured I better buy the kids some swimsuits and sandles while the stores still have them in stock. Here's Hannah in her new suit. Gotta love the pose!

And Peter in his new suit & flip flops.

And while I had the camera out I got a video of Peter walking...in his new shoes. This is the first pair of "hard" souled shoes he's worn and he did really well.

In other exciting new, we bought a new chair. This, of course, is not the exciting news. The exciting news is that we now have a large box in our living room. Here's Hannah getting in the picture with Peter.

*Note: For those who are curious, the Tortellini Time song is just my variation on the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song. Not super creative, but a very good distraction for hungry kiddos. :-D


Laura said...

your posts today have made me smile at work. you have such cute kiddos!

Elizabeth said...

I am a bit sad I didn't have you sing the torellini song for me when we visited. I am even more sad that I don't know the peaunut butter and jelly time song. I have lived a sheltered life.