Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Potty

Tonight Hannah went potty for the first time!! It was very exciting. I'm not really sure what triggered it, but Hannah went into the bathroom and pointed to her little seat, so I moved it on to the toilet. She ended up sitting on the toilet for about 20 minutes. I'm not sure if it was an "avoid bedtime" strategy, or if she just wanted more toilet paper. Either way, she did a really good job; she peed twice and pooed several times (pooping also might have been source of the extended potty time). She was really cute and I almost took a picture of her to put on the blog, but I restrained myself, knowing that you all probably don't want to see a naked baby on the pot. Anyhow, I"m excited to get up with her tomorrow morning and see if she'll do it again.

1 comment:

Levi said...

good job Hannah!!!