Sunday, October 12, 2008


I know, you're thinking, "where does she find the time to read? Doesn't she take care of two children, one husband, and 32 students?" Yes...yes I do, but I've been reading this book called "48 Liberal Lies About History." It's great because each chapter is independent of the previous one. And the chapters are about 3-6 pages long. So if you don't feel like reading alot, you pick a short chapter...and you can skip the boring chapters. Not only that, the book was pretty interesting. It was published in 2008 so it has more recent information than alot of other history books. It had some interesting facts about the cold war, that have recently come into light now that the cold war is over and has been for a while. Some of the lies that were more surprising were, "women had no rights in Early America", "Muslim terrorists are poor and uneducation and hate us because we support Israel", and "Prohibition was unpopular from the beginning and failed in all its objectives." There were also some pretty silly lies, like "FDR knew about pearl harbor," "Columbus was responsible for killing millions of Indians," and "9/11 was a government conspiracy." I wouldn't have even believed that text books would include such unsubstancial material, but at the beginning of each chapter the author quotes 2 or 3 common used text books on the subject. It's interesting. So I read 32 of the 48 chapters...2/3 of the book, I think that's pretty good for 2 kids, 1 husband and 32 students. :-D

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like an intersting book. So, I must be missing out on something, where do the 32 students come from - oh you mean in the dorm. It just came to me. I thought maybe you had taken up teaching again, in addition to your other activities, because you have so much extra time ;0)