New Years Eve was alot fun this year; my best friend Melissa & her beau Ryan planned their wedding reception for that evening. (You'll remember that I hosted a
bridal shower for her when I was back in Seattle in November). Here are some pic's of the event.
Here's a pic of Melissa, Ryan, myself, and Caleb. I know it's taboo to post a picture on your blog where you look aweful..but everyone else looks nice. I'm hoping that this picture will inspire Melissa to send me a copy of this one that the photographer took. (hint, hint...)

Also, you will notice the clock in the back ground. We celebrating newyears on Midwest time (aka at 10pm instead of midnight). This was a continuation of a tradition fromMelissa's parents annual new years party from when we were really young. It worked out really well. Great idea Mel!!
These are a bunch of my highschool friends (plus dates). It was great to catch up with everyone. (Sorry about the hand on the right side of the's the photographer's. So hopefully Melissa also has a better version of this photo)

Here's Melissa and Dave (her dad) dancing.

Here's me and Mel.

Melissa & Ryan had hats and noise makers on every table...and balloons that fell from the ceiling at "midnight." (another tradition)
Here's a good looking couple!! Don't worry, I have sparkling cider. :-D

Here's a picture of the cousin contingent at the wedding. Hugo, Rebekka, Ben, Caleb, me, Kim. I would like you all to note how much cooler all the females look! :-D

All in all, the wedding was tons of fun. Props to Melissa and Ryan for planning such a fun wedding! It was definately a highlight of my Christmas break (and thus deserving of it's own post).
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