At one point in the morning, Hannah got into the stroller and refused to get we strolled around the house (exciting, I know). Anyhow, it cleared up in the afternoon, so we went out to the park. Everyone was super warm, except for me who was only in her fleece...but it was much better than being in the house with two cranky** babies who wanted to be outside (**Note: Neither of them were actually cranky, they just were 100 time more enjoyable as soon as we went outside)
So here are some pictures of the two girls all snugly snugly:
It's hard to actually get a picture of Hannah on my phone that isn't all blury. She doesn't really like to be still, so this is the best I have. Isn't she a wonder in pink?

Here's Iris chillin' in her fleece bag in the stroller with her super warm hat. She was definitely the warmest of the 3.

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