Last weekend we went out and bought Hannah some Duplos (the big legos). Caleb decided we could not wait any longer...she needed to have something she could build with. Anyhow, so we bought the duplos and she really likes them. She carries the lego box around the house and wants you to open them. The other day one of our students stopped by and started playing legos with Hannah in the hall. The next day she stopped by again to chat and Hannah immediately brought out the box of legos for them to play with again.
Tonight Caleb and Hannah were playing with the duplos and here is what they (Caleb) built.

There is a hole in the middle that they were putting blocks thru the middle. Hannah was having a great time (and so was Caleb). I still haven't figured out which of the two likes the legos more...
That's cute!
Caleb and Legos are inseparable words in my's not surprising Hannah likes them as well.
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