Anyhow, I think the worst place to get a mosquito bite is right underneath your eye, in the soft spot. Not only is it a really tender spot, but anytime you rub your eye you inadvertently scratch it, thus making it itch more and swell more. Then your eye swells and your husband makes some sort of stupid comment on how it looks like you have a black eye (hypothetically speaking, of course).
Anyhow, I suppose it is all worth it if you received this previously mentioned mosquito bite while apple picking. And thus you tasted several scrumptious apples, had a great time with family and friends, and managed to bring the two right people along: one who carried the 20+ lb baby, and the other who carried the 20 lb bag of apples. Thanks guys!!
Here are some pictures from our apple picking experience.
Notice all the apples on the tree.

Andrew, Caleb, and Hannah

BTW, no one tell Mrs. Wright about this post, as she will inevitably remind me that nothing sucks, it's all just a difference in pressure. :-D
Apples are fun, hu? Way better thank mosquitos. :)
You can't let fall pass without apple picking! We are going soon, too.
Yes, it is warm enough in Houston to go around without pants--it was probably around 85 that day. Today it cooled down into the 70's. Nathan loves it, but I can't wait to get back to fall in New England!
I can't believe that we never went apple picking.
I liked the recipe from your last post!
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