Hannah loves to color. For Christmas she got some colored pencils and some crayons. Coloring is definitely a favorite activity...but also one that needs to be highly supervised. The other day I cut up a paper bag for her to color on, thinking that if the canvas was bigger, she could stay on it. And it was going great; I was in the kitchen doing whatever and Hannah was coloring. However that evening I saw Hannah about ready to run out the door with some crayons, and I said, "Hannah, the crayons need to stay in the apartment." Hannah's response, "uh-oh" (while pointing at the hall wall). Here is what I saw...

Here you can see the extent of her artwork. She had obviously been working on it for a while.

And I can't even pass off the blame to our students because all the coloring is right at Hannah height. Alas...
I guess the good part is that we live in a dorm, and I think coloring on the walls is a much easier problem to fix than say, someone punching a hole in the wall...or whatnot.
My gosh! She was really having a good time!
Wow! What a gorgeous mural--every boring hallway needs a little color, right? I love the look on her face. And the fact that she said, "uh-oh"
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