Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can you believe this girl

So one of Hannah's favorite activities is to go into the bedroom, pull out the white laundry basket and push it around. And if there are clothes in it, even better because they she gets the joy of pulling things out of the basket and thus leaves dirty laundry all over our house. As you can probably guess, it's not one of my favorite things for her to do...especially when company is over. Anyhow, the other day she had successfully unloaded the basket and look what I caught her doing:

I know, this could be dangerous. Now that she knows how to use it as a step ladder she can get into all sorts of things she's not suppose to. She can also get up on the couch now. She hasn't quite perfected the skill, so it's still really entertaining to watch, but she can get into all sorts of things that she's not suppose to. I guess thing means that we just need to get rid of more and more clutter...which I suppose isn't so bad after all.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

How will we ever keep one-step ahead of our precious grandbaby?
Her creativity astounds me.
We'll have to "shake down" our house when she comes to visit. I can't wait!