1. She can now climb up on the couch all by herself. As you can imagine, this creates a whole new level of things she can get into. The challenges begin...
2. Her favorite toy is the laundry basket. She loves putting thing in it and she also wears it as a hat. And my favorite, she loves to bring it out into the living room with dirty laundry in it while company is over. Thanks Hannah...
3. She has learned how to walk backwards in order to sit in my lap. First she will bring over her shoes, and then she will sit in my lap so I can put them on for her. Sometimes she is so excited to go out that she will miss my lap and do a somersault instead. It's pretty cute!
4. She loves to eat on her back with her feet in the air (see below)
5. Just today Hannah has upgraded to a booster seat at the table. I'll get back to you and let you know how it goes.
6. Now she can walk all the way to the garden and back without getting too distracted. We always stop at the flamingos for a while (see Visiting Parents post), but besides that she moves along pretty well.
6a. Her latest thing is to pick up every stick she sees. She's gotten pretty good at holding multiple sticks in each hand. However, all those will be given up for bigs sticks.
7. She can now drink out of a big person waterbottle. (Granted she does spill alot of the water on herself, but don't we all do that every once and a while)

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