Here's Miriam all ready to leave the hospital.

When we got home, immediately the kids wanted to play with her. Peter brought over a train track for her to play with. And Hannah wanted to show her a book (as seen below). It took alittle explaining that she doesn't play with toys quite yet.

Here's Hannah and Miriam in matching jammies.

Here's Hannah holding Miriam.

Here are the 3 kiddos together.

In the picture above they were both looking at me instead of Caleb, who was taking the picture. So I stood behind Caleb and waved my hands in the air to get them looking the right direction. Apparently they thought they were suppose to wave their hands in the air as well.

Caleb and Miriam. At least now I know why Hannah squints in half of her pictures. :-D

Miriam doing the archer pose...just like Hannah.

Hannah and her tower of blocks.

Grandma and Hannah reading together.
Mary Beth forwarded the pictures. They made my day! What a beautiful family. What happy memories they brought back to me! God Bless you all.
So sweet to see the older kids loving on her. :)
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