Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Birthday week

Last week was my birthday week, so there was alot of fun to be had. It started on Tuesday (my actual birthday) when I woke up to beautiful sunshine! We, of course, went to the park and played in the backyard all day. For my birthday, Caleb bought me a patio table so we put it together while our food was BBQing and then we enjoyed our first meal on the deck. Eating on the deck is such a great thing because when the kids are done they can just go play. Both kiddos really enjoy being outside and thus they entertain themselves pretty well, so we were able to relax around the table.

On Wed we went over to Kim & Ben's for a joint birthday dinner for me and mom. Kim made us this fabulous dinner (of course) and a scrumptious birthday cake. Here are some pictures of Hannah enjoying the trampoline.

And here's mom with our birthday cake. It was super tasty!! Or, as Hannah would say, super-duper tasty! (I taught her that :-D)

Another fun event at Kim and Ben's house was watching my dad and Peter play this walking game. Peter would bang the spoon against the bench, then throw it into the grass. My dad would then pick it up and place it at the other end of the bench. Peter would walk over, grab the spoon, and repeat the process. But after a while, Peter figured it out. And so as soon as he threw the spoon on the grass, he would start walking towards the other end. Then he took it one step further, as you will see in this video.

On Thursday, my mom's birthday, we went strawberry picking. Yum! It was fun and tasty too. Luckily it wasn't as hot as it had been on Tuesday or Wednesday, but the sun was still out. Hannah actually picked quite a few strawberries. Peter picked a couple, but there is a good chance he ate more dirt than berries. I also saw him with a green berry once or twice. I think raspberry picking will work better for him because they are higher off the ground. We'll find out.

Well, those are the highlights from my birthday week. Thanks to all who called and sent me birthday wishes. And if you forgot, that's cool - you can just comment on this post...but you better remember next year cause it's a big one... :-D


Lauren said...

What a fun birthday week! Glad y'all had a good time.

Lauren said...

By the way, did someone make Hannah that dress? I recognize the fabric.

Kendra said...

Old Navy made the dress, so you might see it around quite a bit. :-D Hannah loves the dress and wears it every chance she gets...even when we go to the park.

Jeanette said...

Glad you had a great birthday week!