Two weekends ago we celebrated Hannah's birthday. It was alot of fun. We did enough to make it special, but not too much so that it was overwhelming. First we had lunch, then we opened presents (which was immediately followed by playing with the presents), then we had beeba cake, and then we went to the park. Like I said, it was the perfect speed for Hannah and incorperated alot of her favorite things. Here are some pictures.
Here's Aunt Kim and Hannah enjoying the sunny whether. We spent most of the party outside since the weather was gorgeous.

Here I am getting the cake ready. We had Angel Food cake with Strawberries on top. YUM!

Hannah opening presents.

Hannah enjoys the presents, while Peter enjoys the wrapping paper. What a good team.

More presents

Hannah testing her bubble gun. It works well. Just ask Peter...

Peter overwhelmed by the bubbles.
Hannah blowing out her candles. It took quite an effort on my part to get her to stop playing with her toys long enough to blow out the candles.

At the Park

Aren't those trees beautiful!?

Classic Peter

Hannah and Kim watching the dogs in the dog park.
Yay! Happy Birthday, Hannah! I was thinking about you and your bday the other day!
How cute. Now you have a 3 yr old! I noticed in the pic that Hannah and Kim were both sporting boots for the festive event :)
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