Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Official

Today I signed up for 2 there's no backing out now. The first one is on June 5 (about 1 month away) and the second one is on July 18. I am also planning on doing one on August 28 with Rebekka and Hugo. I'm still looking for someone to participate with me on the first 2 dates. It's going to be fun. And you get a free T-shirt!! There is also a duathlon (biking and running) on the June 5 one, so there are options. Here's the website: Like I said, it's going to be fun!!

As for training, I had to take a 2 week break because I was sick, but now I'm back at it. Last week I biked around MI twice and was able to do each ride in about an hour (13.7 mi/hr). I'm feeling pretty good about that. And today, for the first time ever, I ran 2.2 miles! OK, so I walked some of it, but only 331 ft and it was flat...I ran all the hills. Of course, who knows how far I can run after swimming and biking, but we'll find out. I figure for the month of May I'll try to couple some of the sports, like bike and then run, or swim and then bike. I bought a wetsuit on craigslist, so I can start swimming in the lake.

Well, let me know if you want to join...or even if you want to or the kids. I sure Caleb would appreciate either. :-D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everyday life at the Hugs

Here's a video of Hannah describing her birthday party.

Here's a video of Peter just being Peter.

And here are some random pictures of life.

Hannah and Caleb snuggling.

Hannah and grandma snuggling.

Grandma and Peter. (notice the string Peter is is a balloon. He loves to grab his balloon and then crawl all over the house with it. You will notice that he also has the string/balloon in the video.)

Peter chowing down. He loves to eat at the table.

Testing out new taste sensations.

Here's Hannah vacuuming up daddy's mess. Caleb drilled some holes in the wood so we could make our green house. Well, Hannah saw the wood shaving and decided they needed to be vacuumed up. I tried to tell her that it was outside so it didn't matter, but she didn't care. She loves to vacuum. :-D This is a big improvement from the days when she was afraid of the vacuum.

Peter looking for leftovers.

Hannah loves animals. She always wants to look at pictures of animals and she is always pointing out animals we see (birds, squirrels), or talking about the animals we don't see (the raccoons are napping). I guess she's just an animal person. Here's an ant she found.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sharing Dilema

Lately I've been trying to teach Hannah how to share. I try to remind her about the times others have shared with her, so that she will share with others (without throwing a fit). For instance, she always talks about the playroom that Joe and Judah have. And I say something like, "yeah, their play room is pretty fun, isn't it? It was really nice of them to share all those toys with you, wasn't it?" "yeah" Or, someone will sit in my seat at the table, and Hannah will say "No mommy's seat" at which I'll respond, "Oh mommy's sharing. Mommy likes to share." Well, Hannah's gotten pretty good at sharing. Yesterday she shared some of her string cheese with Peter. I know, big step. Well today we were at my parents house and she grabbed my keys and started playing with the flashlight. "Give Mommy her keys back." And her response, "Mommy share with me." How do you respond to that!! Mommy doesn't have to share? Mommy doesn't have to share all of her things, but you have to share all your things with Peter? There are some things in life that you don't share with other people, like underwear, toothbrushes, car keys and nail clipper (nail clippers are another item similar to the key thing)? But with Hannah (and I'm sure most other 3 year olds) life is pretty black and white: things are right and wrong, there isn't much gray.

Well, has anyone else had this problem? What did you do?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hannah's Birthday

Two weekends ago we celebrated Hannah's birthday. It was alot of fun. We did enough to make it special, but not too much so that it was overwhelming. First we had lunch, then we opened presents (which was immediately followed by playing with the presents), then we had beeba cake, and then we went to the park. Like I said, it was the perfect speed for Hannah and incorperated alot of her favorite things. Here are some pictures.

Here's Aunt Kim and Hannah enjoying the sunny whether. We spent most of the party outside since the weather was gorgeous.

Here I am getting the cake ready. We had Angel Food cake with Strawberries on top. YUM!

Hannah opening presents.

Hannah enjoys the presents, while Peter enjoys the wrapping paper. What a good team.

More presents

Hannah testing her bubble gun. It works well. Just ask Peter...

Peter overwhelmed by the bubbles.

Hannah blowing out her candles. It took quite an effort on my part to get her to stop playing with her toys long enough to blow out the candles.

At the Park

Aren't those trees beautiful!?

Classic Peter

Hannah and Kim watching the dogs in the dog park.

Storm in a bowl

Hannah's newest favorite activity is watching the popcorn popper do its job. She pulls up a chair and just waits, anticipating the popping. Then she gets really excited when it starts to pop. Now every day she asks for "white corn."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Censoring Grandma

Levi and Cheryl were up visiting for a couple nights this week and we had a great time hanging out with them. While they were here Hannah had a great time talking with Grandma, and Grandma had fun teaching Hannah some new words. If you'll remember, Caleb taught Hannah how to say that she was "medium and bony." So Grandma thought she'd teach her something cute like, "I'm a bonnie lass." Well it came out more like, "Me a bony a**." Well, we all started cracking up, which of course encouraged Hannah to say it again and again louder. At least we were all at home and not out in public. Hopefully she won't try and repeat this phrase in public. We'll see... :-D

Back in Business

So I've been sick for the past 1.5 weeks (stuffy nose, stuffy head, and at one point an ear ache from a stuffed up ear). Even though I'm not better yet, I feel like I can begin to function again. This means I can start doing normal people things like exercise, clean the house, and even post on my blog. :-D

The bummer about being sick while nursing is that you can't take any drugs to cure the symptoms. I went to the doctor and he couldn't even find me an ear drop that is deemed OK to use while nursing. Finally on Wed I broke down and took some sudafed. Wow, it was amazing!! I mean, I still had a runny nose and my ear was still totally stuffed up (but not hurting) but my head un-stuffed. I could actually hear people and loud noises didn't make me cringe. I took another one Thursday morning and so far, Peter hasn't noticed a difference. This is good. Hopefully this means I'm on the tail end of this sickness and will feel 100% again soon.

Because I've been feeling crummy, I haven't been training. So yesterday (since it was so beautiful and sunny) when Caleb came home from work we went for a Hug family run. I was a little concerned that I might have lost all my endurance, but I ran 1.5 miles (of course during the last half mile I kept telling Caleb "I can't do this" and he kept saying "just alittle farther". But that part can stay in the parentheses. The important part is that I ran 1.5 miles). This is good because running is sometimes hard on your knees and joints, so if you aren't a runner (like me) it takes a while to get your body in running shape. So yay that I haven't lost too much endurance. In other news, Caleb bought me a road bike that's pretty intense. I've ridden it only 3 times (because I've been sick) but it is really fast. I've never owned a road bike so I had no idea that they were that much faster than hybrids. Today looks like it's going to be nice so maybe I'll go for a bike ride.

Anyhow, I hope I still have some blog readers out there. Sorry for the long hiatus, but I should be posting more regularly now. And as soon as I get our camera software loaded, there will be some pictures and videos up. So stay tuned...