The kiddos seem to like it, although they did not like their bike helmets. Actually Hannah was okay with hers, but Peter was not a big fan. However, once he got some rice crackers he was OK...not great, just OK. So now I can officially start training for the biking portion of the triathlon. This is good because you spend about half of the race biking. Lucky for me, I have my own little trainer and she is very vocal. Often times when I'm running, Hannah will say motivating things like, "faster, mommy, faster!" Or when I'm walking she'll say, "run, mommy, run" or "mommy tired?" (in a concerned voice). And today I accidentally shifted the wrong way on my bike so I ended up walking up part of a hill and Hannah reminded me that I was suppose to be riding the bike, not walking. That's how bicycling works.
So this will work great for now. I guess technically I could put the iBert on my bike and haul 3 kids arounds...but that's borderline crazy (which I guess doesn't totally make it off limits). Hopefully by that time Hannah will be riding her own bike. Or I could get one of those adult/kid tandem bikes. Hmm...
Awesome that you are biking with the kids!
What you need, when you've got 3 or more, is this:
It's called a bakfiets and I see them all the time, with kids and groceries and dogs all crammed in; you can even click a car seat in it for very little babies. I am sure that Caleb would approve.
Or you need a mamafiets (mom bike), like this one:
Super common hear in the land of flat and bike roads; sometimes you see them even pulling trailers.
Come over and get one! You can stay with us while you shop! ;-)
Bethany in Holland
Ooooo, now it needs a name. HMS Bounty? :)
These are some very exciting developments!
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