Monday, December 28, 2009

Electric Blanket

So Caleb got me an electric blanket for Christmas. Eventhough I was skeptical at first (remembering the bright pink electric blankets that we owned when I was a kid), this has easily become one of my favorite gifts. For those that don't know, our bed room has heating issues and thus is about 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house. So now before I brush my teeth, I "pre heat" my bed, and then when I'm ready to actually hop in, my bed is warm! It is also very handy for when I have to get up in the middle of the night (like for small crying children). When I get up I turn the heat back on and then I when I return my bed is still warm. How cool is that!!

(Don't worry, this wasn't my only Christmas present from Caleb :-D)


Elizabeth said...

sounds pretty nifty, if you like that sort of thing. I say why have a warm snuggly feeling when you could have have the bitter sting of cold? But to each his own......... Just don't go soft on us now and have to start hauling up battery opperated electric sleeping bags next time we go backpacking. ;)

Lauren said...

Seriously, they are awesome for warming up your bed!