Thursday, October 8, 2009


1. On Tuesday during the ladies biblestudy at my church I did not get paged by the childcare workers. This is the first time in 4 months that we have not had to go pick up Hannah midway through service or biblestudy. During the service she normally lasts about 20 minutes before they page us (or I guess I should say the child care workers last 20 minutes because in reality they hold her while she cries for 20 minutes and then they page us). Anyhow, my first week at ladies biblestudy they held her crying for an hour. This time towards the end she started to go down the slide...and she was smiling and happy when I picked her up. Praise the Lord!! This, my friends, is nothing short of a miracle!

2. Recently I have started taking Hannah places while she is wearing underwear (and no diaper). She has not had an accident. Even when she went to City Kids and cried for an hour, she still kept her pants clean and dry. I have yet to put her down for a nap without a diaper. I have not tried this yet because I am afraid of the possibility of having to give up that oh so precious nap time.

3. Hannah has learned to blow bubbles in the pool without inhaling half the pool. This is great, since it is the first step to learning how to swim. She blows bubbles in the bathtub too. And don't worry mom, she always gives you credit for teaching her how to do this.

4. Peter has rolled over. On Monday when I was at my parents house he was hanging out outside near a plant and he kept rolling over trying to grab the flowers. He hasn't rolled over since, but he is very close to doing it again.

5. Peter has started laughing. This is so much fun for me. If you kiss him on his belly he laughs. It's great. He still smiles a ton, which is also great.

6. I have managed almost every day this week to get Peter to nap at the same time as Hannah. And not just nap, but take a long nap (1.5-2 hrs). This is a huge accomplishment for me. Although I'm sure it has more to do with the fact that there isn't a dancing two year old singing at the top of her lungs during this time. :-p

7. As mentioned above, Hannah has started singing. Well, singing might be a slight exaggeration. It is more of a talking loudly while clapping hands and walking around type of singing. I'm not really sure if that fits the official definition of singing, but that's what Hannah calls it.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like lots of excitement around the Hug house. I'm so happy you can start to enjoy church more now too :) (and nap time, woo hoo!)