Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 Months

This week Peter had his 4 month appointment. It went really well. He has very good hand/mouth coordination. The doctor was impressed with how well he can grab something and then put it in his mouth. Hopefully this means he will be a great eater just like his sister. He was also a champ during his shots: he got two. After the second he wailed but as soon as I picked him up he stopped. What a great kid!

Here are his stats: Length - 26 in (85%), Head size 17 in (95%), Weight 20.5 lbs (still off the chart). It still amazes me how large my child is. The other week I left my snap'n'go in Spokane so I've been hauling him around in his car seat without the convience of wheels. He is a heavy boy. And to think that Hannah stayed in her car seat until 1 year, and Peter will probably have to be in a new one by 6 months (the max weight for the car seat is 22lbs). Wow.

So I"m going through all my pictures to find some to post of Peter, and the sad truth is that there aren't all that many. The second child (and every subsequent child I would imagine) really does get the shaft when it comes to pictures documentation. In my case there are two reasons why this is true: 1) With two little people to look after, you really don't have all that much time to be taking pictures, 2) With a bigger house, your camera isn't always within a couple feet of where you are standing, so when something cute happens, it's harder to get the camera in time so you just don't.

Anyhow, here are some pictures I found:

Here we are enjoying family tummy time. Hannah is the instigator of this event. She get's out her blanket and Peter's blanket (and pacis in this case) and we all lay on our tummies. Normally Hannah insists that I join as well (and often times she wants to get a blanket for me to lay on too) but she made an allowance for me since I was taking the picture.

For those non-parents out there, Tummy Time is important for babies because it helps them increase their neck strength. In Peter's case it's alot of work since he has such a large head. :-D

A couple weeks ago I bought Peter this swing at a garage sale. He doesn't like it all that much. Or it might just be the fact that I only put him in it when he's upset...hoping that it will calm him down, or atleast distact him. Anyhow, Hannah doesn't like it when Peter is upset, so she will run and bring him his paci, blanket, stuff animal, or whatever else she thinks might make him happy. I think it might be alittle overwhelming for Peter sometimes.

Here's Peter and I at my friend Susie's wedding. He's really fun to take places because he smiles soooo much. So at the wedding everyone who came over and talked to him or looked at him got a smile. He's already charming every lady that crosses his path...

Here's Caleb and Peter at the Grand Coulee Dam. The other weekend we were in Spokane and decided to take the long route home by the Grand Coulee Dam. It is huge! 1 mile long


Lauren said...

Hannah gave him UGG??? What a sacrifice! She must love him a lot! :)

Also, the tummy time picture cracks me up because Hannah is not that much bigger than Peter. Ha!

Elizabeth said...

Really cute, Kendra. I am glad to know that Peter is keeping in the Hug family tradition of being good at getting food to his mouth. And the tummy time picture is really cute to. At least you have a helper to remind you to get this activity in :)