As I was looking through my pictures, I realized that I never posted pictures from Caleb's graduation. Here he is with the masses of students in his fun gown! He wore the fancy-dancy kind

Here's a family of the few ones we got before Hannah started to protest (in the form of crying really loudly)
In the dorm, one of Hannah's favorite activities was to climb into the cupboard and shut herself inside. And we would say, "where's Hannah?" and she would swing the door wide open and smile...and then do the whole thing again. Here she is inviting Noah to join her. (Side note: As I was looking through pictures to post Hannah saw a couple of Noah and for the next 10-15 minutes she loudly said "Noah, Noah." I think she misses him...I guess that means Lauren and Nathan will just have to come and visit us. :-p )
Here's Caleb and Peter napping. In great Hug tradition, Peter is an excellent sleeper and eater (like his father)
AN EXCELLENT SLEEPER AND EATER?!!>!? That pretty much means he's the perfect baby. I am jealous. Hope my next one is like that!
Hi Kendra!
Glad to see that you guys are getting settled in Seattle! Sounds like Peter is an awesome baby - you deserve it after the extra difficult birth! I liked Caleb's fancy graduation gown!
I am excited about more Peter pics! I just looked at your shelfari thing for the first time ever. I read Bruchko a while ago. It was so awesome, how God could work through him like that. The northwest looks beautiful.
Congrats again Dr. Hug!
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