Then when Noah's parents returned from brunch, we all went to the Boston Public Gardens and looked at all the pretty flowers and trees...and the little ones ran around chasing birds and ducks. Caleb just got a fancy-dancy lens for our camera and we had alot of fun taking pictures and experimenting. Here are some highlights from the early afternoon.
Here's our best Hug family pictures.

Here's another cute one.
Here's a good Benesh family pictures.
One of Hannah's favorite activities was to sit by the edge of the pond and watch the ducks. Isn't she cute?
Here she is sitting by the Japanese lantern.
Here she just being cute.
Here's Noah being cute.
Here's Hannah and Daddy having fun.
Here we are.
AFter that we all went home and had nap time, and then the Benesh's came back over for dinner and games. It was a really fun day.
So I just realized that I don't really look pregnant in any of these pictures. Here's one to reassure you that I actually am 39 weeks pregnant. :-D
It was a TOTALLY fun day!
Hope y'all had a good Mother's Day, too!
Love the last picture! 39 weeks. How cool is that? Let the excitement begin...
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