Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Sunday

So you will remember last weekend I went to this Women's Conference, and one of my goals coming out of there was to try and keep a Sabbath. And I think I did pretty good job yesterday. I didn't do any dishes, and our dinner was a crockpot meal, in which I chopped all the veggies the night before. The day also included family nap time, and family "hang out outside" time. Here are some pictures.

Here is Hannah right after naptime. She saw Caleb napping on the futon, and decided to lay down (for about 30 seconds).

After everyone was up from their naps, we went outside and drew on the sidewalk with our chalk.

While I was drawing flowers and mountains, Caleb traced Ug and decided to make it a crime scene. Where does he come up with these things?

Then we went on the field and watched Hannah chase birds.

Here's Hannah and I chilling in the field

And then that evening we had our friends Lauren, Nathan, and Noah over for dinner and games (after the babies went to bed). Here's Hannah and Noah sitting on Nathan's lap

All in all, I would say it was a fun day, and a good Sabbath. :-D

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