Friday, February 6, 2009

Sick Baby

Hannah is sick. She threw up several times Wed afternoon/evening and once yesterday. Despite all the negatives there are a couple positives

+ She will sit in your lap for longer than 7 seconds
+ She kicks you less when you are sitting together on the couch
+ She sleeps more. Yesterday Hannah took TWO naps. It was great because I could nap with her during the first nap, and then get stuff done during the second nap. Granted, she did stay up until 9, but she was just snuggling on the couch, so it was kinda pleasant.
+ She always wants to be held. In general, this is nice since normally she wants to be independent. It is only a negative if you happen to be feeling pregnant...which I occasionally am.

So the list is short, but still worth noting. The negatives, of course, are easy to come up with
- being vomited on
- cleaning up vomit
- trying to find blan food to feed her
- not being able to feed your child normal food. This was particularly hard on Wed night. Hannah would grab my hand and lead me to the kitchen and point to the refrig. Finally I broke down and gave her some bread. About 30 minutes later I realized that was a mistake, and that I really should have listened to the doctor and only given her the Pedialyte. Finally I wised up and told her to "go ask daddy." This might seem harsh or unfair, but I figured since I had been hit 4 out of 5 times with vomit (and Caleb 0 of 5) it was his turn to do some heavy hitting.
- enduring a grumpy baby

Luckily today Hannah has not vomited. She is still a little drowsy, but that I can handle.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hannah's Artwork

Hannah loves to color. For Christmas she got some colored pencils and some crayons. Coloring is definitely a favorite activity...but also one that needs to be highly supervised. The other day I cut up a paper bag for her to color on, thinking that if the canvas was bigger, she could stay on it. And it was going great; I was in the kitchen doing whatever and Hannah was coloring. However that evening I saw Hannah about ready to run out the door with some crayons, and I said, "Hannah, the crayons need to stay in the apartment." Hannah's response, "uh-oh" (while pointing at the hall wall). Here is what I saw...

Here you can see the extent of her artwork. She had obviously been working on it for a while.

And I can't even pass off the blame to our students because all the coloring is right at Hannah height. Alas...
I guess the good part is that we live in a dorm, and I think coloring on the walls is a much easier problem to fix than say, someone punching a hole in the wall...or whatnot.