Miriam had her 2 week check up on Monday and here are her stats.
10 lbs 8 oz (97%)
22.25 in long (95%)
15 in head circumference (92%)
In case you are curious, here are Peter's stats from his 2 week check up
10 lbs 15 oz (97%)
22.75 in long (97%)
15.25 in head cir (90%)
I can't find Hannah's stats. All I can find is that she was 9 lbs 8.2 oz.
So back to Miriam. She is still super cute. Over the past couple of days she has been awake alittle bit more. This is fun, but it also means that I get less sleep. Lucky for me, my parents are over often and are super helpful! Unfortunately I don't have any new pictures of her, but here's a cute one of Caleb and the kids.

In other news, my stats show that in 2 weeks I've lost 25lbs. I know, giving birth is a great way to lose weight. Not easy, but well worth it! :-D