Yesterday Caleb and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. Wow!! Can you believe it's been that long!?! It sure doesn't seem like it. Although we do have 2 kids and a fairly functional relationship so I guess you would have to guess we've been married for a while now. Ok, so our relationship is more than "fairly" functional, but I feel like each year we become more and more functional.
Here we are 6 years ago!

I think I look about the same, but Caleb looks a bit younger. Don't cha think? Of course when he has a goatee he always looks much older than he is.
Anyhow, we had a great day yesterday. After church Hannah and I went blueberry picking while Peter and Caleb napped. There is a U-Pick blueberry farm 1 mile from our house and it's a great activity to do with Hannah. And it was really nice to have some 1 on 1 time with her since just in the past week or two she has become really clingy and needy. Then in the evening Josh came over to babysit the two little ones so Caleb and I could go out to dinner and a movie. We went to this seafood restaurant right on the Kirkland waterfront and we ate right at sunset. And since yesterday was a clear and sunny day, the sunset was amazing.
Well, we had a great time hanging out together yesterday. And it's fun to think how much we've both grown and adapted to each other in the past six years. I think marriage is like a good wine; it just gets better with each year. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing what our life is like in another 6 years - to see where God takes us and how we handle the ride. :-D