Happy Easter & Happy Birthday Hannah!! What a happy day it is today to celebrate 2 such great events!
Our day day started with Hannah discovering her Easter basket as soon as she got up this morning. She pointed and said, "da", as if to say, "what's that? That's not normally there." After I explained to her that it was hers, she went for an egg, opened it, ate what was inside and then said, "more!" Luckily shortly there after we went to church, thus limiting her supply of sugar for the morning. After church we came home ate more f the eggs, took our afternoon nap, and then went to have Easter Dinner with our friends Jen & Sebastian & Jen's family, who was visiting from Virginia. After dinner I went to hear Heidi Baker talk, while Caleb hung out with Hannah. Below are some pictures from our day.
Here's Hannah's Easter basket. Caleb put it together before he went to bed. Caleb also did all the shopping for the Easter basket. He doesn't trust me in the candy department. I think it is safe to say that Caleb is the candy expert in our house.

Here's Hannah sharing her candy with Dad.

Here she is transferring candy from one egg to another. This was a favorite activity.

Here she is sharing with Ug.

Ug eating his Robin Egg

Hannah opening her birthday present from us.

Yay, it's Lego's. She started playing with them right away!

Here's the cake I made for Hannah. It looked better in person. My big confirmation was when I asked Hannah what it was. It took her about 5 seconds, but she finally said, "doggie!!" That's good enough for me!

Here's the birthday girl blowing out her candles.

And eating cake

Jen owns a rat. Hannah pointed out the rat several times during the evening. Apparently after I left, Jen took the rat out of her cage and let Hannah play with her. I'm sure she had a blast!