So Hannah and I flew to Seattle on Friday night. We left Boston at 6:00pm and arrived in Seattle at 9:15 (12:15 EST). Here are some highs (+) and lows (-) from the flight:
+We had a whole row to ourselves (3 seats)
+ Hannah's ears were fine for take-off and the landing
+ The Dog Whisperer was on TV and that kept Hannah entertained for about 30 minutes
- Everone around had to listen to Hannah say "doggy, doggy, doggy" everytime a dog came on the screen (which was quite often during the show)
- Hannah had 3 poopy diapers in just 4 hours.
+ I am now an expert at changing diaper in the plane bathrooms. :-D
+ Hannah fell asleep for part of the flight
- Hannah didn't fall asleep until 10pm (EST) (she normally goes to bed at 7:30), and she only slept for 2 hours
- I didn't get any sleep b/c Hannah was taking up the prime sleeping seats (the window and middle seats)
+ Hannah didn't cry much
+ Hannah self entertained for most of the time
- Hannah woke up at 4:00am the next morning
+ Hannah fell back asleep from 5:30-7:30am (probably because I was laying in bed and no fun to play with)
- Hannah fell asleep in my bed horizontally leaving me with a body width of room to sleep and little feet in my ribs...but I suppose if she had fallen asleep with her head at the pillow end of the bed then I would have been worried that she would roll off.
I'll write more soon with what I'm actually doing here. But let me reassure you that I am having tons of fun!