So this weekend has been full of fun and excitement for me (& Hannah & Caleb). First on Saturday, Caleb and Hannah had some quality "dad-daughter time" while I went to my friend Jeanette's bridal shower. Here are some pictures:
This is Victoria enjoying the wonderful spread of food we had.

This is Alisha and her incredibly cute daughter Abigail.

Here's Debbie hanging out with baby Julia.

Here's an action shot of Jeanette opening her presents with the help of her two flower girls (who also happen to be expert present openers...good thing they were around!)

Here's Julia smiling at me as I played peek-a-boo with her. Talk about precious

Unfortunately we didn't think of taking a group picture until half the people had left, so here's a small subset of the group that was there.

Then on Sunday, we had a BBQ with some of our MIT friends. Caleb grilled up some super tasty burgers, and everyone else brought some delicious food to share. There will definitely be more BBQ's happening this summer....yum!! Here are some pic's from that:
Here's a group picture of all of us (minus Hannah who was taking nap). Obviously someone very clever laid out the picture, because I didn't notice until now that all the guys are in the back, and all the ladies are in the front. Not only that, but each gentleman is standing behind his lady. Wow, talk about good layout
Here's a picture of Hannah Hug and Hannah Williams. All day Friday when I was hanging out with Jason and Jeanette we tried to get a cute picture of "the Hannah's" without any success. Then today I saw them sitting next to each other, and so I said, "Hannah" and they both looked my way. How cute is that!!

Here's a group picture of us sitting around our stash of food. That seems to be the common theme for the weekend: friends and food. (actually, that's a good title for this blog entry :-D)

Here's a picture of the four babies we had at the BBQ, all of whom are under two. As you can imagine, there was quite a bit of action.

This is a cute picture of Jeanette, Bonnie, Dave.

Here's Jason and his daughter "little w", as she is know when she is hanging out with my Hannah "little h"

And to top it off, Sunday night Caleb and I went to our church's big 10 year anniversary party. It was fun to see (and hear) how God can plant a vision in a few, and grow it to many.