Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Bear

So I was going through my pictures and I came across this video. I had forgotten what it was about so I watched it. (make sure your volume is on)

I actually ended up watching it twice, and the second time I watched it, Hannah went over and got the bear and brought it to me. Pretty crazy, huh? It was super cute!!

Hannah's love for fine literature

So Hannah likes books...I mean, she really likes books. Here's what she did to one of her books.

Yeah, she totally ate through the spine, so now there is a big whole in the middle of the book. I don't know what it is with her and paper/cardboard, but she thinks it's really tasty.

Another favorite book activity of Hannah's is to go into the bedroom and start pulling books off of the book shelf. As you can see below, she is pretty good.

This is one of her favorite books. Maybe she is more like Steve Jobs than we originally thought. :-D

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Garden

As I've mentioned earlier, Caleb and I have managed to secure a garden plot for this year. It's a plot that is 8 x 18 feet and is about a minute walk from our place. Here's what our plot looked like when we first got it.

Complete disaster, I know. So I went out one day and threw away all the trash and racked up all the leaves.

These past couple of day's I've really got the grove on. On Friday I went to Home Depot and bought some wood to frame our beds. Friday night Caleb and I framed our beds. We have three beds that are 4ft x 8ft, and one bed by the fence that is 2ft x 8ft for beans and corn. On Saturday, Caleb went back to home depot and bought us some starters and some peat moss. Below is a pictures of Caleb helping me even out the dirt.

While Caleb was at home depot, he thought we should make a little green house. So below you can see the beginings of our green house; in it are tomato plants on the left and bell pepper plants on the right.

Here is our plot as we left it yesterday.

Today I went out and planted some of our seeds. I planted carrots, raddishes, more lettuce, and cucumbers. I also fixed up the front bed and the back 1/2 bed.

Below is a picture I took of Caleb putting in our cabbage.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Curtain Issue

Hannah is a pretty smart little girl. The only problem with having a smart baby is that you always have to stay one (or two) steps ahead. Luckily both Caleb and I are pretty smart people, so we don't have a problem with this, but it is still pretty exhausting. Anyhow, a while back we put up a curtain so that Hannah couldn't see all the fun we were having out here after we put her down to bed. But as you can imagine, she figured out where the fun was at and wanted to join. Consequently I had to tape the curtain to the wall. The first time I didn't do that great of a job.

As you can see two pieces of tape weren't nearly I used more. But then Hannah realized she could peek out of the other side of the curtain.

With no wall there, the normal person might be in a jam...not me. I figured I could shut the curtain edge in the drawers. And as a safe guard, we put up another curtain. Luckily if I tuck the curtain into three separate draws, she only has the power (or will) to get it out of two drawers. When this happens she can only manage to get one hand through.

However, if I forget to tuck the curtain in, this is what happens.

Yep, it's the two curtain pull. Talk about skill, creativity, and determination. Hopefully, with God's grace and guidance, I can continue to one up her in all three of these areas. :-D

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Steve Jobs

So the other day Hannah was wearing a white turtleneck, and Caleb thought she looked like Steve Jobs (the CEO of Apple)...except for he wears a black turtleneck and has a beard...but they both have about the same amount of hair. Take a look at the picture below...what do you think?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

WOW! One Year

So today is Hannah's birthday. It's hard to believe that one year ago we were in the hospital looking at her for the first seems like forever ago. Here are a couple pictures so you can see how she has changed.

This is a picture from the hospital.

Here is a picture from a month after she was bom.

And here is a picture from today.

It's amazing how much she has grown in size and personality. She loves to babble, crawl, and her latest thing is to point at people...especially other kids. Another exciting development is her walking skills. We realized today that she uses the coffee table a lot to help her walk, so today we moved it out. And boy has she been walking tons since we got rid of it.

She now has a big open space in our place to practice walking. She's still pretty slow, but I think she'll be running in no time.

Since Hannah is too young to remember or enjoy the fact that it is her birthday, we decided to do two things that Caleb and I really enjoy. The first was lunch at Red Robin. The food was good, but our waitress was alittle slow...nothing like the amazing wait staff in Issaquah! After that we made a trip to Walmart where we bought Hannah a new car seat. Now that she is 1 she can face forward in the car! We are pretty excited about that!! And then on the way home Caleb and I ate some tasty ice cream snacks. In general, I think it was a pretty fun birthday. I mean, if you think about it, Caleb and I have a lot to celebrate; one successful year of parenting (so we think), a beautiful, happy little girl. We have been so blessed over the past year, that I think that is reason enough for us to celebrate (as well as Hannah). Anyhow, we had a great time...and I think Hannah did too because she slept for 11 hours (hopefully this sleeping trend will continue).

So that was our big birthday day. Below is a pictures of Hannah having fun at Red Robin

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Laughing Baby

Here is a cute video of Hannah having fun with dad. Be sure you have the volume on because her laugh is pretty darn cute. :-D