Sunday, March 30, 2008

i-Bert in Action

Today Caleb, Hannah and I went for a bike ride to test out the i-Bert and my new tires, etc... Here's a pictures of Hannah and I.

As you can see, Hannah doesn't really like her helmet and she tries to pull it off. Luckily it only bothers her when we aren't moving, so that problem is easy enough to solve.

Here we are in front of our garden plot. Yes, Hannah and I managed to secure a 8' x 16' plot of land to garden on for the spring and summer. Ours is the one in the middle that is a total disaster. I will post more of this later, but I figured it would be good to get a before shot.

And since the garden plot is only about a 30 second ride, we decided to continue on to Trader Joes. Hannah was having alot of fun with the baguette we picked out.

The ride home was alittle windy and not so pleasent for Hannah, but we made it back safe and sound (even with all those crazy Boston drivers). Thanks Tricia for the bike. We are looking forward to many more bike rides this spring and summer. We'll keep you posted...

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Clear the roads!! The Hug family will be cruising this spring and summer. Today I fixed up my bike (new tires and tubes) and I installed the i-bert. So you are wondering, "what is the i-bert?" Well, my friends, it is the Hannah carrier. Let me show you...

This is Hannah in the i-bert. And below is the i-bert on my bike.

So this carrier is pretty cool because it goes on the front of the bike. I think Hannah will really enjoy it because she'll be right in the action and can see everything.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures of Hannah helping me with Laundry. As mentioned before, her favorite part is unloading the basket.

Here she is helping me fold socks. Notice how many socks she has already removed from the basket.

It's so much easier to get the socks out with the basket like this!

You want one?

Here's a video of Hannah in action

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Caleb, Hannah and I spent Easter with our friends Nathan, Lauren, & Noah. We had Hannah in a long dress that was pretty hard to crawl in. Consequently, she did more standing, and she actually took her first step without holding on to anything! It was pretty brief, but a "step" in the right direction (yeah, I'm corny). We didn't take many pictures, but here is Hannah getting ready to eat.

She's in her really cool travel booster seat. It's great!

Hannah fell asleep on the car ride home. We tried to keep her awake, but it didn't work. Even with her favorite toy (mommy's water bottle), she still couldn't stay away.

Gloucester Street

Today Boston is sunny and beautiful, so Hannah and I went to Stata to distract Caleb from work. The 3 of us went for a walk around the back bay. Below is a picture of us in front of Kim & Ben's old place on Gloucester st.

Now I know you are looking at this pictures thinking how funny it is that Hannah is in her fleece hat and that Caleb is in his warm coat. Well, that is Boston in the spring. The sun comes out, but it doesn't work (as a friend of mine from college would often say). The thermometer says it's 35, but in the sun I think it is alittle warmer. Anyhow, we enjoyed or little walk on Newbury street and to Trader Joe's to get some chocolate....yum.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Who Would Have Thought...

So, I went to my first Indoor Soccer game last night, and it was fun. What a great way to get exercise without thinking about it. :) I mean, after having a baby, you are always looking for ways to exercise and get (back) into shape.

It got me thinking of all the benefits of having a baby while Caleb is in grad school. Originally Caleb and I had planned to wait until he was done with grad school to have a baby. It makes sense, right...then we would have a house, more money, more room, a "real" life. But I really felt God was saying "trust me on this," and He has really proved Himself to me. There are so many benefits to living on campus with a baby. Sure, it's tight living, but there is always something to do. I love having the student center just a short walk away. Hannah and I will make trips there several times a week to mail a letter, visit the ATM, or get a roll of quarters for laundry. We will also walk at least once a week to visit Caleb at work. How many other wives (and daughters) can walk to their husbands work to visit and/or eat lunch together. We also have a huge fitness center that is a mere 2 minute walk away. It is SO convenient for Hannah's swim lessons. I can't imagine spending 15-20 to get to a 25 minute lesson (although I'm sure I will be doing that at some point in my mommy "career"). And how cool is it that I can play indoor soccer in the evenings. I had toyed with the idea when someone from our church was putting together a team, but they were playing 30-40 minutes away. How cool that I can walk to our games and that Caleb and Hannah can come and watch. It is also fun that there are play groups and play grounds right on campus. And there are 2 grocery stores and 2 libraries that we can walk to anytime. There is no way I could have ever imagined that having a baby in grad school would be so perfect. Who would have thought...God's timing really is perfect. :-D

Monday, March 10, 2008


We have this is huge and takes up a whole corner of our place. Our old place was much bigger and got more sun, so it wasn't a big deal...but here the plant has really gotten out of control. But I got to thinking it must have grown some over the couple of years we've gotten it. Here's a comparison.

Like I said, the plant has gotten out of control! So for Caleb's birthday I decided to buy a new plant. It is much smaller, and only needs low light. In both aspects, it suits our place much better.

The old plant went all the way to the ceiling

While we are talking about plants...these are the flowers that Caleb and Hannah bought me yesterday. While I was out, they went for a walk to the library and bought me these on the way home. When Caleb bought them, they were just buds. They started to bloom last night and now they are already in full swing. Pretty cool, huh?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Caleb

OK, so I know today is not Caleb's birthday, but if I were to actually post an entry on his birthday, I wouldn't be able to tell you about all the fun we had.

Caleb's birthday was on Thursday, and we happened to be on study break for our floor so I made a bunch of Caleb's favorite desserts. The highlight was a carrot cake with buttermilk glaze and cinnamon-cream cheese frosting.

We are still enjoying this tasty dessert.

On Friday night our friends Jen and Sebastian came over to watch Hannah so Caleb and I could go out on a date! (I know, really exciting). Caleb wanted to eat authentic Chinese food, so he went online and found this place called the Taiwan Cafe. The food was very tasty. Caleb decided to order "pork meatballs with vegetables in a clay pot." When Caleb ordered the waitress gave him a weird look and warned him it was big, so we thought "great we're hungry". So the clay pot had about a 12 inch diameter and about 6 inches was huge!! We ate about half of it before we were both full.

Here's a picture of the gigantic meatball!

After that we went to a Starbucks to get some drinks (we thought of you, Kim) and then we saw the movie Juno. We came home and Hannah was sleeping like an angel.