Today Caleb, Hannah and I went for a bike ride to test out the i-Bert and my new tires, etc... Here's a pictures of Hannah and I.

As you can see, Hannah doesn't really like her helmet and she tries to pull it off. Luckily it only bothers her when we aren't moving, so that problem is easy enough to solve.

Here we are in front of our garden plot. Yes, Hannah and I managed to secure a 8' x 16' plot of land to garden on for the spring and summer. Ours is the one in the middle that is a total disaster. I will post more of this later, but I figured it would be good to get a before shot.

And since the garden plot is only about a 30 second ride, we decided to continue on to Trader Joes. Hannah was having alot of fun with the baguette we picked out.
The ride home was alittle windy and not so pleasent for Hannah, but we made it back safe and sound (even with all those crazy Boston drivers). Thanks Tricia for the bike. We are looking forward to many more bike rides this spring and summer. We'll keep you posted...